Hi, I’m Allie. Helping people step into their highest state of health and wellbeing as an herbalist and functional medicine health coach is my greatest joy. Using herbal medicine, nutrition and lifestyle counseling, and intuitive guidance, I assist my clients in discovering the root causes of their dis-ease, and support them to bring their mind, body, and spirit into harmony. I believe that dis-ease is due to a disconnect from the earth and from ourselves. My work with clients brings them back into a balanced relationship with the earth and with their own bodies.

I know from personal experience how overwhelming and frustrating it is to be dealing with chronic symptoms of imbalance. I’m here to walk the path with you and to compassionately shine light on areas that need illumination.

Living on the coast of Maine in Freeport, I love swimming in the ocean, cross country skiing, making herbal concoctions, practicing tai chi, and spending time in Nature with family and friends (including plant friends!)

I teach regular workshops and classes on holistic health topics at Wolfe’s Neck Center in Freeport, Maine, as well as private workshops by request.

Here is an interview by BoldJourney Magazine on my work.

  • “My experience of working with Allie has felt incredibly supportive and enlightening. The information and advice she has shared have helped me see the issues I’ve been dealing with through a new perspective, in turn giving me an uplifted sense of hope in moving forward on my healing journey. Since our first consultation I have been incorporating her herbal advice into my routines and I continue to notice positive changes in my symptoms. She has a deep personal understanding of the struggles those of us with chronic illness face in today’s world. Allie’s knowledge and support have been so meaningful to me and as I continue on my healing journey I am filled with so much gratitude to have her on my team!”


  • “I reached out to Allie after struggling with insomnia, weight gain and always feeling tired and worn out for quite some time. Allie’s coaching helped me to understand my diet, my eating and sleeping patterns and focused in on my physiological needs with supplements. Within a couple of months, I began to feel back in control! I am so grateful to Allie for her advice and her incredibly easy-to-follow methods without the guilt when I fell short of a weekly goal. I hear her calming voice in my ears when I need a nudge to keep following the plan. Thank you Allie!”


  • “Allie is a thoughtful listener and knowledgeable practitioner. Her whole person approach to wellness helped me better understand the connection between the body’s inflammatory response and my food and lifestyle choices. Creating a plan together that included specific foods, herbal support and mindful exercise, along with follow-up support, provided a pathway to better health.”


  • ”Allie is a very knowledgeable, intuitive, and insightful herbalist. Her peaceful nature will put you at ease while caring for you on many levels. Honor yourself with a consultation. You will be glad you did.”


  • “If you’re on a health or wellness journey and don’t know where to begin, I suggest you start here, with Allie Armstrong. She’s a kind, gentle, brilliant soul who will guide you with grace and patience.”


Are you ready to align with your innate sense of vitality, wellbeing and ease? Reach out to schedule a free 15 minute connection call. I look forward to meeting you!

